Price Increase 2024

Dear Community, 

Come May 1st 2024, we will be raising our rates in the following areas: 

  • Membership dues will increase from $175/month to $225/month (or $625 for 3 months)

  • Class costs will increase from $275 to $315 (member and continuing student discounts will still apply) 

  • Day pass to the studio will increase from $25/day to $32/day

Hours of access to the studio will remain the same for members and students.

So why such a big increase? 

Over the past six months, we've thoroughly examined our finances, acknowledging our prolonged financial vulnerability. Through a meticulous process, we've scrutinized every expense, sought cost-cutting opportunities, and explored creative avenues to enhance our programming to generate the necessary revenue for business sustainability.  Throughout this process, we’ve been met repeatedly with the glaring reality that we simply have to make these changes to our pricing structure if we hope to reach a sustainable place financially. 

While there are many layers to why we are implementing this price increase, the key pieces to this equation lie in the following:

  • Since opening in 2020, there have been no price adjustments made to account for market inflation. The 2022 price increase was implemented specifically to accommodate the transition to 24-hour access and not as a response to inflation. 

  • Rise in Expenses: 

    • with inflation peaking at 9% last year, our monthly bill for cost of materials has increased 125% in the last 2 years

    • electricity continues to rise at a steady rate (with pg&e announcing another increase to take effect this year)

    • since inception our rent has increased 8% and will continue to rise 2% every year

    • we continue to discover new expenses related to the longevity of our equipment 

  • We are facing the perennial issue as a brick & mortar of maxing out the amount of revenue we can generate per sq. ft.

  • We believe in paying our employees a living wage, and are committed to continuing to do this.

Addressing Accessibility 

Since inception, accessibility to our offerings in the ceramic arts has been a core value for us both individually and as business owners. Recognizing that the price point we have to place on our offerings in order to remain in business may make it cost prohibitive to some, we continue to hold the vision for greater financial accessibility through the development of a scholarship fund. We are currently looking for fiscal sponsorship, giving us the ability to accept donations that will go directly to folks in our community who need financial support in order to become a student or member at the studio. 

We will keep you updated on the development of this fund and in the meantime, if you are someone who feels inspired to contribute more than what we are asking for in membership dues, please reach out to us personally and we will give you details on making a cash donation to the fund, 100% of which will go directly to members of our community. 

Please let us know if you are someone who is in need of financial support to continue taking classes with us, and we'll make sure you're the first to know when our fund is in place.

And finally…

If you’ve made it this far in reading, thank you. We know how difficult the rise in cost of living is for so many at this time, and that this may be difficult news to receive. And yet, our number one priority is that the studio continues to exist as a place for creative expression in our community.

We are here for all your questions, feedback, and concerns. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

And finally, thank you; for your understanding, your support, and your trust in us. We wouldn’t be a studio without it.

In gratitude,

Kaelyn & Cory